Rhiannon is a singer from Ffarmers. She intertwines storytelling with the new aspect of traditional folk songs. She writes from the point of view of a mother, a farmer and a Welshwoman. Rhiannon made it to the final in the battle of the folk bands this year at the National Eisteddfod with a set of original songs performed for the judges Gwilym Bowen Rhys and Lleuwen Steffan. Her enchanting music is driven by a deep rooted passion to keep the tradition of welsh folk music alive.
Cantores o Ffarmers yw Rhiannon. Mae hi’n cydblethu adrodd straeon gan gwedd newi caneuon gwerin traddodiadol. Mae hi’n ysgrifennu o safbwynt mam, amaethwraig a Chymraes. Daeth Rhiannon i’r brig ym mrwydr y bandiau gwerin eleni yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Yna fe pherfformwyd set o ganeuon gwreiddiol i’r beirniadau Gwilym Bowen Rhys a Lleuwen Steffan. Mae’i cherddoriaeth hudolus yn atsain o’i phrofiad a’i hangerdd fel Cymraes cefn gwlad heddiw.